Help! Is this true?

Douglas Local by Spaceship Media answers your questions about the COVID crisis in Douglas.

Are the cops going to arrest us for not wearing masks or being in a small group walking down the street?

No, our priority is public health and safety and our preference is for everyone to self-comply with the recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Arizona Department of Health Services. We may approach you and remind you of the recommendations and encourage social distancing. — Police Chief Kraig Fullen

Is the city going to have a curfew or lock down?

There has not been any consideration or discussion for a curfew or lock down. Although some might consider the Governor’s Executive Order a lock down and, while compliance is expected, there are some allowances for essential travel, essential functions and essential activities that are permissible. — Police Chief Kraig Fullen

What law are people breaking if they are a group of 11 people or less than 6 feet apart?

The social distancing and group size limitations are recommendations from the CDC. There is no specific language in the Executive Order or state statutes, hence no specific law violation. — Police Chief Kraig Fullen

Who is in charge of this emergency in Douglas?

The lead in any pandemic is the Cochise County Department of Health Services in collaboration with the Arizona Department of Health Services and the CDC. City Administration and Department Directors are in continuous contact with these agencies as well as internally with information being shared. — Police Chief Kraig Fullen

Why are the city officials being so quiet, not sharing anything with the people about where to go or what to do for help?

As noted in the previous question this is a pandemic and therefore the leads are the health agencies listed.  As new information is released from them the City Administration is posting the information as well as available resources on the city webpage. If there is a specific question on a need for assistance, calls may be directed to the Police and Fire Departments, City Administration and any of the County, State and Federal agencies mentioned. Also visit the city website for links to information and resources. — Police Chief Kraig Fullen

Are the schools going to flunk students who couldn’t get packets or don’t have internet?

To keep student motivated in at-home learning, the district has been careful with giving too much information on the passing status of individual students. Instructional coaches working with our teachers on weekly online assignments, biweekly learning packets, etc. Below is more clarity, which has been shared with parents/guardians regarding student grading expectations


  • Grades closed at Quarter 3; No Quarter 4 grades will be calculated or posted: NG (No Grade)
  • Packets won’t get feedback or grades.
  • Students not submitting the assignment will receive a notification that the assignment was not completed.
    • Parents will get communication and feedback on student progress in Remind, Google Classroom or another platform.

High School

  • Grades are not closed at Quarter 3
  • Teachers will give feedback with comments as well as some sort of score or grade in Powerschool.
  • There will be no assessments or quizzes, only schoolwork
  • For most students, all assignments are due Thursday
    • ESS and 504 students assignments are due Friday

Students with no online access

  • Students with no internet must pick-up weekly packets
  • Packets distribution and collection must be done through individual teachers — Assistant Superintendent Fernando Nuñez

Is COVID-19 testing being done in Douglas?

  • Swabs are being taken in Douglas but lab testing is happening offsite. Both Copper Queen and Chiricahua are offering swabs. The procedure is as follows:
    • If you have symptoms, make a telemedicine appointment with your provider
    • Depending on the symptoms, your doctor will approve a swab
    • The swab test will be ordered from a lab in Sierra Vista
    • After 2-3 days, you will be contacted and given instruction for your swab. Chiricahua is doing drive through swabbing. Details have not been provided for Copper Queen facilities.
    • The swab test will be sent to Sierra Vista for examination.
  • COVID-19 lab testing is being done at private labs in Cochise County at SonoraQuest and LabCorps. In Cochise County, these private labs are located in Sierra Vista.
  • While the county does not do lab testing, the state does have a lab that is testing. Anyone who wants a test must meet certain symptomatic criteria and should contact their healthcare provider to see if they’re eligible for testing. The State Health Department testing has been expanded beyond the original criteria, which this applies to testing units — we do not have testing units in Cochise County. Here’s a link to the new order related to this.
  • The Cochise County Health Department asks that you reference this FAQ for additional question. The health department acknowledges that this can be very confusing information. Bottom line is: people should stay home if they feel sick and follow the self-isolation guidelines outlined here on the county COVID-19 website. — County, Copper Queen and Chiricahua Health officials